GRPL Teens Discord

GRPL Teens Discord

GRPL is now on Discord!

GRPL’s private Discord server is a virtual library space designed for teens aged 13 – 19. Discord is a great way to continue the conversations happening during our Teen Anime Club and other select events!

Ask a staff member for more information about how to join our Teen Discord at the next Teen Anime Club event. 


  • A combination of Discord Bots and GRPL Youth Librarians monitor the server at all times. Please read our #rules_of_conduct to learn more about ways teens can interact within this private library space. GRPL staff reserves the right to delete any comments or mute or kick or ban any member from the server should these rules be ignored.

  • You can use Discord to continue the conversation with fellow attendees after an event and to get reminders about future events. 

  • GRPL’s private server is designed to complement select regularly occurring in-person events, such as Teen Anime Club. During one of these events, a library staff member can show you how to join the server. 

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