Policies and Guidelines

Policies and Guidelines

Using the Library

Patron Responsibilities Policy
In order to maintain a clean, safe and comfortable environment for our patrons and employees, the Board of Library Commissioners has adopted this policy.

Patron Responsibilities Explained
Learn more about our Patron Responsibilities policy.

Rules for Computer Use 
Rules regarding access to the Grand Rapids Public Library’s computers, including the Internet and other electronic resources, in support of its mission.

Collection Development Policy
The Collection Development Policy of the Grand Rapids Public Library guides our staff in choosing and purchasing Library materials that will best meet the needs of our community.

Photography Policy
By entering GRPL property or attending a GRPL event, you are entering an area where photography, audio, and/or video recording may occur. Those wishing not to be photographed or recorded should inform the photographer or library staff.

Board of Library Commissioners Policy Manual
These Bylaws are adopted by the Grand Rapids Board of Library Commissioners.

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