
Featured Event

Dungeons & Dragons for Teens, part of a series

Want to try Dungeons & Dragons but don't know where to start? Join us for monthly drop-in sessions, open to players of all skill levels.

Featured Book List

Black Liberation Reading List for Teens

Explore these titles for teens from the Schomburg Center, as it marks 95 years of collecting and preserving Black History, arts, & culture.

Staff Lists

Award-Winning Teen Books from 2024

The beginning of a new year means awards season! Check out one of these teen books from last year that was recognized for excellence.

Tween-Friendly Romances

These titles are great for readers who want a love story but aren't quite ready for older teen books.

Black History Month Books for Teens

Celebrate Black History Month with these teen fiction and nonfiction titles, available in a variety of formats!

Choose A Book By Its Cover

New year have you feeling a little blue? Check out these great YA books and graphic novels!

Volunteer at the library

Looking to help out the library? We’d love to have you.

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Books by the Stack

Build your own book club kit! Check out as many of the copies as you need for your group.

Books by the Stack: Teens

Books by the Stack books are checked out for 6 weeks (one 3-week renewal is available). Plenty of time to read, meet, and discuss!

Streaming, Apps, & Downloads

Use your Grand Rapids Public Library card to access these apps and get books, movies, and music on your devices.

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Digital Collections

Mango Languages

Online, interactive language-learning system - offers Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, French, German, Italian, Greek, and more!

Enciclopedias Estudiantil Hallazgos

La Enciclopedia estudiantil hallazgos en línea es una enciclopedia de conocimientos generales.


Streaming video library of 1000+ award-winning art & craft classes. Topics include drawing, cake decorating, home decor, and more!


  • To access your account, you will need your library card and password. When you get a library card, the password is set to the last four digits of your phone number. If you do not remember your password, contact Customer Service or call 616.988.5400 and ask to have your password reset.

    Once you have logged in, you can change your password, view your record, place a hold, renew an item, give yourself a username or pay fines. You can also sign up to be notified by email and text message when your holds are ready or you have an item overdue.

  • Parking is free at all eight GRPL branches and for all library events. 2 hours of free parking in the gated lot next to the Main Library. The Main Library parking lot opens to the public 15 minutes prior to opening. The lot is accessible during library hours.

    Parking rates are $2.00 per half hour during the week, free on weekends and for library events with validated ticket.  On the weekend, parking at the Main Library is free all day with a validated ticket. Bring your parking ticket inside the Main Library to have it validated. 

  • You can check out a total of 100 items on your card at a time!

    Loan period: 3 weeks (2 renewals)
    Limit: 100 items checked out at once

    Audiobooks and Music CDs
    Loan period: 3 weeks (2 renewals)
    Limit: 25 checked out at once

    DVDs – Feature films, TV shows, nonfiction
    Loan period: 3 weeks (2 renewals)
    Limit: 25 checked out at once

    Hotspots check out for 6 weeks, with 2 (3 week) renewals if there are not any holds on it.

    Vinyl Records
    Loan period: 3 weeks (2 renewals)
    Limit: 10 items checked out at once

    Portable Record Player
    Loan period: 3 weeks  (0 renewals)
    Limit: 1 

    Board Games
    Loan period: 3 weeks  (2 renewals)
    Limit: 5

    Video Games
    Loan period: 3 weeks  (2 renewals)
    Limit: 5

  • Absolutely! You can borrow materials from Kent District Library, the Lakeland Library Cooperative (LakeNet), and through MeLCat. Here’s how:

    Kent District Library

    You can also use your Grand Rapids Public Library card to check out material from the Kent District Library. If the item you are looking for is available, you may go to the owning library to pick up the item. You may place a hold on some Kent District Library materials. You will need to pick up and return the item at a KDL location. To choose a KDL pick up location, contact their Service Center at 616.784.2007.

    Lakeland Library Cooperative (LakeNet)
    If the item you are looking for is available at a participating library, you may visit the location and check out materials with your GRPL card. You cannot place holds on items owned by other Lakeland libraries. Return your Lakeland material to the same location where you checked it out.


    MeLCat provides access to libraries across the state, including university libraries. If you find the book you need in MeLCat, it will be delivered to the GRPL location of your choice. MeLCat will notify you by email when your requested item is in. MeLCat services are only for books. Children 12 and under cannot use MeLCat to borrow materials.

  • No! GRPL is open to everyone. Stop by and enjoy our spaces, free events, and materials while you’re onsite. We look forward to welcoming you.

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